Catch up on the latest news and resources

Posted by Melissa Pashak, Marketing Specialist on November 15, 2021
Ready, set… charge! The holiday shopping season is here, and between inflated prices, the rising cost of gas and the urge to splurge this time of year, it can be harder than ever to stick to your budget. Here, we’ve listed eight holiday shopping hacks to help keep your spending under control while still finding the perfect gifts for everyone on your list.
1. Make a list and check it twice
It’s not just for groceries—this tried-and-true shopping hack can really help you keep costs down this holiday season. When you shop with a list in hand and you’re careful to stick to it, you can make responsible shopping decisions instead of buying anything and everything that catches your eye.

Posted by BALANCE on July 13, 2021
At some point during the long summer, kids are bound to say the words every parent dreads: “Mom, I’m bored!” Oh sure, there are many things to do—amusement parks, costly trips to the mall, and summer camps—just to name a few. But thrifty moms and dads can keep kids happy without having to break the bank. With a little creativity, you can still uncover a variety of ways to keep your children stimulated with little or no cost. Here are some budget-friendly activities to enjoy during the long summer months:

Posted by Melissa Pashak, Marketing Specialist on June 25, 2021
Q: Which home improvement projects can I tackle myself, and which should I leave to the pros?
A: In today’s world, when you can look up how to do practically any project online, it’s tempting to want to do everything yourself, but it isn’t always the best choice. Attempting to do a project on your own can sometimes end up costing more time, money and mess than it’s worth. Here’s how to know when to do it yourself, and when to leave it to the pros.

Posted by GreenPath Financial Wellness on May 20, 2021
As students around America graduate, hundreds of thousands of people will soon enter the full-time workforce for the first time. Many of you may be asking, “How do I land my first job when I don’t have any experience?”
One key tool for job seekers is a resume.

Posted by GreenPath Financial Wellness on January 6, 2021
The New Year is a time for powerful new beginnings. It also presents an opportunity to look at our everyday habits – whether those habits relate to our health and fitness or our money habits as we manage any financial challenges.

Posted by Bridget Staffileno, VP Brand Engagement on April 20, 2020
Arts and culture in the Great Lakes Bay Region is known for its vibrancy. Regardless of what sings to your soul, you can be sure you will find something right here in your own backyard.

Posted by on April 15, 2020
1. Reduce stress
Stress hormones strain the immune system so it can’t do its best at protecting us from those nasty bacteria, says Dr. Tammy Born of the Born Clinic, Grand Rapids, Mich. Reduce the amount of stress in your life by practicing mindfulness, keeping in touch with friends and family through virtual means while social gatherings are restricted and by checking the news less often while the pandemic rages.

Posted by Melissa Pashak, Marketing Specialist on March 25, 2020
It isn’t easy to be holed up at home with just your family for company. After just a few days, you may be thinking there isn’t enough coffee or chocolate in this world for a parent who’s stuck home with their kids for weeks at a time. As the parent, though, you have the unique opportunity to set the tone in your home and decide if these weeks will be a nightmare for everyone, or filled with precious memory-making and family-bonding activities.
Here are some fun activities to keep your kids busy while you wait out the pandemic at home...

Posted by on January 31, 2020
It’s time to decide where to watch the BIG game. While going to a sports bar has appeal, more people are choosing to stay home. In cities with NFL teams, as well as in cities without NFL teams, it’s been reported that Sunday sports bar foot traffic dropped by double digits.