Two women

Current Rates

Two women

Savings Rates

Savings Accounts
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Account TypeMinimum Balance to Receive DividendDividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)*Compounded/Paid
Savings $5 0.050% 0.050% Monthly/Monthly
Miscellaneous Savings $1 0.050% 0.050% Monthly/Monthly
Super Saver Account $25,000 - $49,999 0.275% 0.275% Quarterly/Quarterly
Super Saver Account $50,000 & Over 0.375% 0.280% to 0.380% Quarterly/Quarterly
Christmas Club $1 0.050% 0.050% Monthly/Monthly
IRA Share $1 & Over 0.050% 0.050% Monthly/Monthly
IRA Super Saver $25,000 - $49,999 0.275% 0.275% Quarterly/Quarterly
IRA Super Saver $50,000 & Over 0.375% 0.280% to 0.380% Quarterly/Quarterly
Money Market $1,000 - $9,999 0.200% 0.200% Daily/Monthly
Money Market $10,000 & Over 0.250% 0.250% Daily/Monthly
Super Saver Account is a Split Tier and each Tier will receive the dividend that applies.
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Fees may reduce earnings.


Kasasa Savings/Checking Accounts (Consumer)
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Account TypeMinimum Balance to Earn APYDividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)Compounded/Paid
Kasasa Cash® Checking
(if qualifications are met)1, 2
$0.00-15,000 4.17% 4.25% Monthly/Monthly
Kasasa Cash® Checking
(if qualifications are met)1, 2
$15,000.00 or greater 0.399% 4.25% to 0.90%3 Monthly/Monthly
Kasasa Cash® Checking
(if qualifications are NOT met) 1
$0.00 0.05% 0.05% Monthly/Monthly
Kasasa Saver®
(if qualifications are met)1, 2
$0.00 - $50,000.00 1.48% 1.50% Monthly/Monthly
Kasasa Saver®
(if qualifications are met) 1
$50,000.00 or greater 0.399% 0.40% to 0.77%4 Monthly/Monthly

Rate Information: The annual percentage yield is a percentage rate that reflects the total amount of dividends to be paid on an account based on the divided rate and frequency of compounding for an annual period.  The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time as determined by the Credit Union Board of Directors. The Kasasa Saver and Kasasa Cash accounts are tiered rate accounts.

1 To earn APY, the following qualifications must be met and all transactions and activities must post and settle to the Kasasa checking account(s) during each monthly Qualification Cycle: a) At least 12 debit card purchases; b) At least 1 direct deposit or automatic payment (ACH); c) Be enrolled in and agree to receive eStatements.

2 Only the funds that comprise each tier will earn the rate for that tier.

3 The APY range is based on an assumed account balance of $115,000.  The APY decreases as your balance increases.  

4 The APY range is based on an assumed account balance of $150,000.  The APY decreases as your balance increases.

Share Certificate Account
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Share Certificate TypeMinimum Balance to Receive DividendDividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)*Compounded/Paid
Youth 3 Month** $100 0.500% 0.500% Monthly/Monthly
Youth 6 Month** $100 3.690% 3.750% Monthly/Monthly
Youth 12 Month** $100 3.800% 3.850% Quarterly/Quarterly
3 Month $1,000 0.500% 0.500% Monthly/Monthly
6 Month $1,000 3.690% 3.750% Monthly/Monthly
12 Month $1,000 3.800% 3.850% Quarterly/Quarterly
18 Month $1,000 3.450% 3.500% Quarterly/Quarterly
24 Month $1,000 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
30 Month $1,000 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
36 Month $1,000 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
39 Month Bump Up $1,000 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
48 Month $1,000 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
60 Month $1,000 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Annual Percentage Yield is the total amount of dividend paid on an account, based on the dividend rate and the frequency of monthly compounding for a 365-day period, and expressed as a percentage. This rate assumes that a set amount is on deposit at the beginning of the dividend period, that no deposits or withdrawals are made during the dividend period and funds remain on deposit for one full year at the same dividend rate. Fees may reduce earnings. A fee may be charged for early withdrawal of a fixed-term share certificate or IRA. Rates are expressed as an annual percentage yield (APY) and are subject to change without notice.
**Subsequent deposits are allowed on Youth Share Certificate Accounts with terms of 3, 6, or 12 months. For minors 17 years of age or younger opening a 3, 6, or 12 month Share Certificate Account, the minimum balance requirement is $100.00 and subsequent deposits are allowed. Promotional share certificates are offered occasionally and have their own terms and conditions.

Traditional and Roth IRA Share Certificates
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Share Certificate TypeMinimum Balance to Receive DividendDividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)*Compounded/Paid
3 Month $1,000 0.500% 0.500% Monthly / Monthly
6 Month $1,000 3.690% 3.750% Monthly / Monthly
12 Month $1,000 3.800% 3.850% Quarterly/Quarterly
18 Month $1,000 3.450% 3.500% Quarterly/Quarterly
24 Month $1,000 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
30 Month $1,000 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
36 Month $1,000 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
48 Month $1,000 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
60 Month $1,000 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Annual Percentage Yield is the total amount of dividend paid on an account, based on the dividend rate and the frequency of monthly compounding for a 365-day period, and expressed as a percentage. This rate assumes that a set amount is on deposit at the beginning of the dividend period, that no deposits or withdrawals are made during the dividend period and funds remain on deposit for one full year at the same dividend rate. Fees may reduce earnings. A fee may be charged for early withdrawal of a fixed-term share certificate or IRA. Rates are expressed as an annual percentage yield (APY) and are subject to change without notice.

Coverdell ESA Share Certificates
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Share Certificate TypeMinimum Balance to Receive DividendDividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)*Compounded/Paid
3 Month $500 0.500% 0.500% Monthly / Monthly
6 Month $500 3.690% 3.750% Monthly / Monthly
12 Month $500 3.800% 3.850% Quarterly/Quarterly
18 Month $500 3.450% 3.500% Quarterly/Quarterly
24 Month $500 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
30 Month $500 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
36 Month $500 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
48 Month $500 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
60 Month $500 3.210% 3.250% Quarterly/Quarterly
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Annual Percentage Yield is the total amount of dividend paid on an account, based on the dividend rate and the frequency of monthly compounding for a 365-day period, and expressed as a percentage. This rate assumes that a set amount is on deposit at the beginning of the dividend period, that no deposits or withdrawals are made during the dividend period and funds remain on deposit for one full year at the same dividend rate. Fees may reduce earnings. A fee may be charged for early withdrawal of a fixed-term share certificate or IRA. Rates are expressed as an annual percentage yield (APY) and are subject to change without notice.

Loan Rates

New Auto Loan Rates
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Loan Term \ DetailsYear of VehicleAPR* as low asInterest Rate
Up to 36 Months 2023 & Newer 6.334% 6.24%
37 to 48 Months 2023 & Newer 6.311% 6.24%
49 to 60 Months 2023 & Newer 6.298% 6.24%
61 to 72 Months 2023 & Newer 6.789% 6.74%
73 to 84 Months
(Minimum $10,000 Loan)
2023 & Newer 7.033% 6.99%

*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates listed represent our best rates and include a $35.00 processing fee. Rates, terms and conditions vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications and collateral conditions. All loans are subject to approval and rates are subject to change without notice. Other conditions may apply.

To view Payment Examples please select the hyperlinks on each loan rate.

Used Auto Loan Rates
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Loan Term \ DetailsYear of VehicleAPR* as low asInterest Rate
Up to 36 Months 2014 & Newer 6.334% 6.24%
37 to 48 Months 2014 & Newer 6.311% 6.24%
49 to 60 Months 2014 & Newer 6.298% 6.24%
61 to 66 Months 2014 & Newer 6.793% 6.74%
61 to 72 Months 2014 & Newer 6.789% 6.74%
73 to 84 Months 2020 & Newer 7.033% 6.99%

*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates listed represent our best rates and include a $35.00 processing fee. Rates, terms and conditions vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications and collateral conditions. All loans are subject to approval and rates are subject to change without notice. Other conditions may apply.

To view Payment Examples please select the hyperlinks on each loan rate.

First-Time Auto Buyer Program
Effective Date: February 1, 2025
Loan Term \ DetailsYear of VehicleAPR* as low asInterest Rate
Up to 60 Months 2014 – 2025 7.799% 7.74%
61 to 72 Months 2014 – 2025 8.290% 8.24%

*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates listed represent our best rates and include a $35.00 processing fee. Rates, terms and conditions vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications and collateral conditions. All loans are subject to approval and rates are subject to change without notice. Other conditions may apply.

To view Payment Examples please select the hyperlinks on each loan rate.

Mortgage Rates
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
DescriptionLoan Term \ DetailsAPR*Interest Rate
MSHDA 5% Down Payment
Payments amortized 360 months
6.581% 6.00%
MSHDA with DPA** 10% Down Payment
Payments amortized 360 months
7.159% 6.625%
MSHDA Rate Relief 5% Down Payment Payments amortized 360 months 5.203% 4.75%
MSHDA Rate Relief w/DPA** 10% Down Payment Payments amortized 360 months 5.841% 5.375%
10 Year Balloon 20% Down Payment
Payments amortized 360 months
6.428% 5.990%
10 Year Balloon 5% Down Payment
Payments amortized 360 months
6.625% 5.990%
15-Year Fixed 5% Down Payment
Payments amortized 180 months
7.094% 6.500%
20-Year Fixed 5% Down Payment
Payments amortized 240 months
7.104% 6.625%
30-Year Fixed 5% Down Payment
Payments amortized 360 months
6.857% 6.500%
30-Year Fixed, Home Possible 3% Down Payment
Payments amortized 360 months
7.049% 6.500%
Land Loan 20% Down Payment, Payments amortized up to 240 months 9.478% 8.000%

*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates listed represent our best rates. Rates, terms and conditions vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications and collateral conditions. All loans are subject to approval and rates are subject to change without notice. Other conditions may apply.

**Down Payment Assistance

The Annual Percentage Rates for the 15-Year, 20-Year, and 30-Year Fixed loans are quoted without PMI premiums or any discount points.

To view Payment Examples please select the hyperlinks on each loan rate.

Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
DescriptionLoan Term \ DetailsAPR* as low as
Home Equity Line of Credit Please call Jolt CU for details 7.50%

*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates listed represent our best rates. Rates, terms and conditions vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications and collateral conditions. All loans are subject to approval and rates are subject to change without notice. Other conditions may apply.

Miscellaneous Loans
DescriptionLoan Term \ DetailsAPR* as low asInterest Rate
All Recreation Units 2014 or newer Up to 36 Months 8.148% 7.99%
All Recreation Units 2014 or newer 37 to 48 Months 8.111% 7.99%
All Recreation Units 2014 or newer 49 to 60 Months 8.049% 7.99%
All Recreation Units 2014 or newer 61 to 72 Months 8.540% 8.49%
All Recreation Units 2020 or newer 73 to 84 Months 8.781% 8.75%
All Recreation Units 2020 or newer 85 to 120 Months 9.013% 8.99%
Large Recreation Units 2020 or newer - $10,000 Minimum 121 to 180 Months 10.007% 9.99%
Share-Secure Loan Up to 12 Months   3.050%
Share-Secure Loan 13 to 36 Months   4.050%
Signature Loan Up to 60 Months 11.904% 11.75%
Signature Loan - $10,000 Minimum 61 to 72 Months 11.882% 11.75%
Platinum VISA Credit Card   9.90%  

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