It's time for a fresh start! Consolidate your debt with a personal loan. Everyone reaches a point where they need some extra cash to achieve specific goals or you need a little help paying for the unexpected things in life. Whether you need to consolidate credit card debt, have additional expenses with large projects, or have a home renovation, our Personal Loan is ready for you. This loan features:
- Fixed payments to make budgeting easy
- No prepayment penalty
- Competitive fixed rate
- Low cost payment protection.
Description | Loan Term \ Details | APR* as low as | Interest Rate |
All Recreation Units 2014 or newer | Up to 36 Months | 8.148% | 7.99% |
All Recreation Units 2014 or newer | 37 to 48 Months | 8.111% | 7.99% |
All Recreation Units 2014 or newer | 49 to 60 Months | 8.049% | 7.99% |
All Recreation Units 2014 or newer | 61 to 72 Months | 8.540% | 8.49% |
All Recreation Units 2020 or newer | 73 to 84 Months | 8.781% | 8.75% |
All Recreation Units 2020 or newer | 85 to 120 Months | 9.013% | 8.99% |
Large Recreation Units 2020 or newer - $10,000 Minimum | 121 to 180 Months | 10.007% | 9.99% |
Share-Secure Loan | Up to 12 Months | 3.050% | |
Share-Secure Loan | 13 to 36 Months | 4.050% | |
Signature Loan | Up to 60 Months | 11.904% | 11.75% |
Signature Loan - $10,000 Minimum | 61 to 72 Months | 11.882% | 11.75% |
Platinum VISA Credit Card | 9.90% |
When you have an expense you didn't plan for or need extra cash for vacation, Jolt’s Skip a Payment* program lets you skip your monthly payment for a $35 processing fee on a qualifying Jolt loan. Interest will continue to accrue on your loan.
Skip your payment now by logging into your Online Banking account and click on Services and select Skip a Payment.
Call the credit union at 800.798.2328 or stop by any location.
*Finance charges continue to accrue during the skipped period. Loans must be current to qualify. Please note that Mortgages, Home Equity loans, Credit Cards and Lines of Credit are not eligible. A $35 processing fee will be assessed for each skipped loan. Each loan may only be postponed twice per 12 month period and 3 consecutive payments must be made in between requested skip a payments. A skipped payment may reduce any GAP insurance claims on insured vehicles. Please consult your GAP Policy for more information.